Importazione e distribuzione componenti elettronici, materiale elettrico ed elettronica | Scopri qui
Elcart, thanks to an extensive sales network, supported by a professional team of product managers, is able to provide adequate technical and commercial solutions to the needs of its customers.
On products bearing their trademarks, Elcart ensures timely after-sale assistance by their technical department.
For only the satellite decoders and TV, Elcart relies on three qualified centers to ensure a high level of technical support service to its customers.
For articles from all the other brands distributed, the assistance is provided directly by manufacturers.
Quality, reliability, experience, controls, reliability: these are the principles by which our organization intends to give the best service.
For items bearing the logo Elcart or its own brands, the after-sales service is guaranteed by our technical department.
Tel: 02/25117440
Fax: 02/25117550
Coming soon.
To offer the best possible service to the customer these producers prefer to deal directly with warranties and repairs of their products, in order to reduce waiting times and improve the support offered.
For articles from Bosch (including Skill and Dremel) Ice, Dymo the contact information is as follows:
BOSCH:, tel. : 02/36962663
DYMO:, tel.: 02/45281308
ICE: , tel. : 0383/578025